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18xx Games
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You are in: Home > 18xx > 18xx Rules Difference List > Section 13 |
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1761, 1800, 1812, 1825, 1829, 1829 Mainline, 1853, 1853 v2, 1858, 1869 USA
West, 18Africa, 18EZ Level 1 No. A company does not have to own a train, so a
player is never at risk of bankruptcy.
1817, 18USA No. A player who suffers a cash crisis and is unable to raise
the required funds becomes bankrupt and is removed from the game.
1822, 1822CA, 1824, 1824 v2 No. The player goes into debt instead.
1826, 1835, 1837, 1838 Rheinland, 1842, 1846, 1847, 1862, 1876-35, 1876 v2, 1883,
18Ardennes, 18EU, 18FL, 18GL, 18MW, 18Neb, 18NK, 18NY, 18Rhl Rhineland, 18Scan, 18US,
18VA, 18West Not usually. The bankrupt player's wealth is reduced to zero and they
take no further part in the game. If all players but one have gone bankrupt, the game ends
with the remaining player as the winner.
1827 Jr., 1831 No. Companies go into receivership rather than gain financial aid
from their president.
1830 v1, 1830 v3, 1830Lummerland, 1830NL, 1831, 1832, 1834, 1837SX, 1847AE, 1850, 1851,
1854, 1856, 1857, 1859, 1868, 1870, 1876-30, 1876-30 v2, 1876-35 v2, 1879, 1889, 1891,
1893, 1895, 1898, 1899, 18??, 18AL, 18C2C, 18Chesapeake, 18Dixie, 18EC, 18EZ Levels 2 and
3, 18GA, 18GA v2, 18JP-T, 18Kaas, 18Mex, 18NL, 18NW, 18NYC, 18SY, 18TN, 2038 Yes.
1830 v2 No. The company gains a bank loan to cover the balance required
to buy a train and goes into receivership, and is managed by the president, who must use
the company revenue to pay off the loan. When the loan is fully repaid the company comes
out of receivership.
1830 Cardgame, 18Lilliput No. Bankruptcy is not possible.
1830BC Not immediately, but at the end of the next rainy season.
1841 No. Bankrupt is loaned 500 lire to start again. All assets are taken away from
him and may be frozen.
1844 No. Bankruptcy is not possible. A player needing to raise cash may borrow it
from the bank.
1848 No. Companies take loans or go into receivership rather than gain
financial aid from their director.
1849v1&3, 18CZ, 18GM, 18MS, 18OE, 18PA, 18SA No.
1849v4 No. The company goes bankrupt rather than the player. If the player has zero
wealth at this point, they can take a loan of L500 or leave the game. If they take the
loan, L750 is subtracted from their total at the end of the game.
1860, 18GB No. A company that ends its turn with a route but without a
train is insolvent, and remains so until it can buy a train.
1861, 1867 No. If a player cannot provide sufficient funds to buy a
train, loans are taken out to achieve this. If this is still not enough, the company is
immediately nationalised.
1862EA, 1862EA v2 No. Players cannot go bankrupt because they are enever
required to help a company finance a train. If a company goes bankrupt players receive
compensation for their shares as long as the company has a positive share price.
1865 Sardinia No. The player is given sufficient State Aid loans to
purchase a train and continues playing.
1869 The Golden Spike No. If a player would go bankrupt, they reorganise
the company they were trying to buy a train for.
1873, Rolling Stock, Steam Over Holland No. The company goes bankrupt
rather than the player.
1880 No. If a player is unable or unwilling to raise the funds to buy a
train for a company, the player incurs a 50% interest charge on the remaining debt.
1881, 18BL, 18CLE, 18Ruhr, 18SS No. A bankrupt player leaves the game.
18IN It depends which rule you prefer. According to rule 4.7.2, if a
player becomes bankrupt the game ends immediately. According to rule 5, if all players but
one have gone bankrupt the game ends with the remaining player as the winner.
18Ireland Only if all players bar one have become bankrupt.
Crisis Immediately after execution of all supports.
Poseidon Not immediately, but at the end of the next empire round.
Railroad Barons No. A company does not have to own a train (referring to
railroad corporations), so a player is never at risk of bankruptcy.
| Introduction | Contents
| Games | Glossary |
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© Keith Thomasson November 15th 2020 |