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18xx Games
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You are in: Home > 18xx > 18xx Rules Difference List > Section 2 |
| Introduction | Contents
| Games | Glossary |
1761, 1800, 1817, 1824, 1824 v2, 1826, 1830, 1830Lummerland, 1830NL, 1831, 1832,
1834, 1837SX, 1838 Rheinland, 1841, 1846, 1847AE, 1848, 1849,
1850, 1851, 1854, 1856, 1858, 1859, 1860, 1861, 1862, 1862EA, 1862EA v2, 1865 Sardinia,
1867, 1868, 1869 The Golden Spike, 1869 USA West, 1870, 1876 v2, 1876-30, 1876-30 v2,
1876-35, 1876-35 v2, 1879, 1880, 1883, 1889, 1891, 1893, 1895, 1898, 1899, 18??, 18AL,
18Ardennes, 18BL, 18C2C, 18Chesapeake, 18CLE, 18Dixie, 18EC, 18EU, 18EZ Levels 2 and 3,
18FL, 18GA, 18GA v2, 18GL, 18GM, 18IN, 18Ireland, 18JP-T, 18Kaas, 18Mex, 18MS, 18MW, 18NL,
18NW, 18NY, 18NYC, 18OE, 18PA, 18Rhl Rhineland, 18Ruhr, 18SA, 18Scan, 18SS, 18SY, 18TN,
18US, 18USA, 18VA, 18West, 2038, Railroad Barons Each player consecutively not making
a purchase or a sale. The priority then goes to the player after the one who last made a
purchase or a sale.
1812, 1822, 1822CA, 1844, 1857, 1873, 18CZ, Rolling Stock Each player consecutively
passing. The priority, and subsequent places, are then assigned according to cash held.
1825, 1829, 1847, 1881, 18Africa Each player consecutively not making a purchase.
The priority then goes to the player after the one who last made a purchase.
1827 Jr., 1842 Unknown. Your input is welcome.
1829 Mainline Each player consecutively not making a purchase. The round
ends immediately if all share certificates are sold.
1830 Cardgame, Crisis Not applicable.
1830BC Each player consecutively not making a purchase or a sale. The priority then
goes to the player who has bid highest for it, or remains with the same player if no bids.
1835 Each player consecutively not making a purchase or a sale. The
priority then goes to the player after the one who last made a purchase.
1837 Round ends as in 1830, priority assigned as in 1829. The designer's intention
was as in 1830.
1853, 1853 v2 Each player consecutively not making a purchase. The
priority then goes to the player after the one who last made a purchase. The elephant that
confers priority may be sold to another player.
18EZ Level 1 Not Applicable (no share dealing).
18GB, 18Neb Each player consecutively not making a purchase or a sale.
Priority for the next stock round is determined by who passed first.
18Lilliput Not applicable. No separate share dealing rounds.
Poseidon Each player consecutively not making a purchase or a sale. The
starting player card moves one player in clockwise order.
Steam Over Holland Each player consecutively not making a purchase or a
sale. The priority then goes to the player to the left of the current priority holder.
(Note - the first edition of the English rules say to the right; this was clarified on
BoardGameGeek by the designer as incorrect and has been amended in the second edition of
the rules.)
| Introduction | Contents
| Games | Glossary |
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© Keith Thomasson April 6th 2021 |