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18xx Games
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You are in: Home > 18xx > 18xx Rules Difference List > Section 8 |
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1761 Only if ten times the dividend per share equals or exceeds the current
share price. For 10-share companies, is ten times the dividend per share equals or exceeds
twice the current share price, the price increases by two places.
1800, 1826, 1851, 1858, 1883, 18EU, 18Neb, 18NY, 18OE, 18Rhl Rhineland, 18Ruhr, 18VA,
18West Only if the dividend paid out equals or exceeds the current share price.
1812 For Minor Companies, yes, although the share price may not exceed
£150. For Public Companies, only if the dividend paid out equals or exceeds the current
share price.
1817, 18FL One place if a dividend is equal to or greater than the
current share price, two places if equal to or greater than twice the current share price.
1822, 1822CA For Minor companies, yes. For Major Companies, only if the
dividend is equal to or greater than the share price. If the dividend is equal to or
greater than twice the share price, the share price moves two spaces to the right.
1824, 1824 v2, 1829, 1830, 1830Lummerland, 1830NL, 1834, 1835, 1837SX, 1838
Rheinland, 1842, 1847, 1847AE, 1848, 1853, 1854, 1856, 1857, 1859, 1862, 1865
Sardinia, 1868, 1869 USA West, 1876 v2, 1876-30, 1876-30 v2, 1876-35, 1876-35 v2, 1879,
1880, 1881, 1889, 1891, 1893, 1895, 1899, 18AL, 18Chesapeake, 18Dixie, 18EC, 18EZ Level 2,
18GA, 18GA v2, 18GM, 18JP-T, 18Kaas, 18Lilliput, 18Mex, 18MS, 18NL, 18PA, 18SS, 18SY,
18TN, Crisis, Poseidon, Railroad Barons Yes.
1825, 1829 Mainline, 18Africa One place if the total dividend is more than half the
share price; two to four places if the dividend is equal to or greater than two to four
times the share price.
1827 Jr. Complex. See table in rule 3.3.2.
1830 Cardgame Not applicable (no stock market).
1830BC One place per region of that terrain irrigated.
1831 One place if all stakeholders paid; two places if all paid +200%.
1832, 1850, 1869 The Golden Spike, 1870, 18??, 18EZ Level 3, 18NK Yes; and stays
put for half payout.
1837 Right for 100% payout, right and down for 50% payout.
1841, 1849, 1898 Only if earnings exceed the current price of a 10% share (20% for
1844 Yes; but regional companies may not move past the thin red line on the stock
1846 One column if earnings are at least equal to the current share
price, two columns if double, three columns if triple and the current share price is over
1853 v2 One place if the total dividend is less than twice the share
price; two to five places if the dividend is equal to or greater than two to five times
the share price.
1860, 1862EA, 1862EA v2 One place if the total dividend is equal to or greater than
the share price; two to four places if the dividend is equal to or greater than two to
four times the share price.
1861 Yes; for Minor companies, upwards instead if moving right of the
yellow-shaded sixth column; for Public companies, only if the dividend paid out equals or
exceeds the current share price.
1867 Yes; for Minor companies, their share price may not exceed 165; for
Public companies, only if the dividend paid out equals or exceeds the current share price.
1873 One place if the total dividend is more than half the share price; two to
three places if the dividend is greater than two to three times the share price.
18Ardennes Only if the dividend paid out equals or exceeds the current
share price. Minor companies and five-share companies whose dividend equals or exceeds
twice the current share price move their tokens up two spaces. For minor companies in the
grey zone, any non-zero dividend moves the price up to the 50 space.
18BL For a 100% dividend, yes. For a 75% dividend, only if the total
dividend paid is equal to or higher than 150% of the current share price.
18C2C Yes; and stays put for half payout. If in the $500 space it is
moved to the $250 space on the top row and is worth double the market value at the end of
the game.
18CZ One place for small and medium companies, two places for large
18EZ Level 1 Not Applicable (no share prices).
18GB At least one space for a non-zero dividend; two to four spaces if
the dividend is equal to or greater than two to four times the share price.
18GL Only if the dividend paid out equals or exceeds the current share
price. Starting in phase 10H, if the dividend equals or exceeds the current share price,
the price moves right two columns.
18IN Only if the dividend paid out equals or exceeds the current share
price. Starting in phase 6, if the dividend equals or exceeds twice the current share
price, the price moves right two columns.
18Ireland Only if the dividend paid out equals or exceeds the current
share price. Additionaly, for 5-share companies only, if the dividend is at least twice
the current share price, the token moves to the right one aextra space.
18MW Yes; except in blue zone, where 10% payout is needed to move one place, 30%
two places.
18NW One column if earnings are at least equal to the current share
price, from phase 6 onwards, two columns if double.
18NYC Only if the dividend paid out equals or exceeds the current share
price. Starting in phase 3E, if the dividend equals or exceeds twice the current share
price, the price moves right two columns.
18SA Yes for a 100% payout, no for a 50% payout.
18Scan One column if earnings are at least equal to the current share
price, two columns if double.
18US Only if the dividend paid out equals or exceeds the current share
price. From phase 5E/4G, if a 10-share company delcares a dividend that equals or exceeds
twice the current market value, it moves two spaces to the right.
18USA One to four steps if the total dividend is 50%, 100%, 150% or 200% of the
share price.
2038 One place for half payout, two places for full payout.
Rolling Stock Share price movement is not directly coupled to dividends.
Steam Over Holland Prices move up rather than to the right. Only if the
dividend paid out exceeds the current share price. If the dividend exceeds twice the
current market value, it moves two spaces.
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© Keith Thomasson November 9th 2024 |