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Carcassonne - Inns & Cathedrals

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Inns & Cathedrals is an addition to Carcassonne that adds seventeen new tiles and some new scoring options to the game.

Inns & Cathedrals tile Inns & Cathedrals tile Inns & Cathedrals tile Inns & Cathedrals tile Inns & Cathedrals tile Inns & Cathedrals tile Inns & Cathedrals tile Inns & Cathedrals tile Inns & Cathedrals tile
Inns & Cathedrals tile Inns & Cathedrals tile Inns & Cathedrals tile Inns & Cathedrals tile Inns & Cathedrals tile Inns & Cathedrals tile Inns & Cathedrals tile Inns & Cathedrals tile

New options

f2_red.gif (858 bytes) Large followers

In addition to your normal followers, you each have 1 large follower. When a road, city or field is scored, the large follower counts as 2 normal followers when determining which player has the most followers in the completed road, city or field.

Inns & Cathedrals tile Inn on the Lake

The Inn on the Lake symbol appears in a field, but is associated with the road. If one or more segments of a completed road contain an Inn on the Lake, the Thief earns 2 points per road segment. If such a road is not completed by the end of the game, the Thief scores no points!

For the tile on the left, note that the Inn on the Lake lies only on the road segment it is adjacent to - it does not apply to all three roads.

Cathedral tile Cathedral

If one or both Cathedral tiles are located in a completed city, the Knight earns 3 points per city segment and pennant. If such a city is not completed by the end of the game, the Knight scores no points!


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Mail me © Keith Thomasson September 27th 2009