Rules are required for all games. These are the general rules that apply to all For Whom The Web Rocks games. Individual
games may have additional rules specific to their needs, but note that the following rules
apply for all games and the web site in general.

- The games on this web site are by e-mail, one player turn at a time. They are not run on-line. In most cases, the player
knows the exact situation in the game when deciding on their moves.
- There are no charges to play the games on this site. Donations to support the site are
always welcome, though.
- Players are expected to know the games and their official rules.
- Games will be played to the official rules, meaning the published rules, unless stated
- All public game information will be published on this web site.
- Private game information will be available
on-line via the various Game Info links and buttons. Players will need to enter their
username, password and game number. Their username and password may be changed on request,
but they may only have one username/password combination for all games.

and deadlines
- Players will be advised by e-mail when it is their turn to play.
- An e-mail group of all players in the game may be set up for notification of the start
and end of the game, and any other situations where all or most players need to be
contacted at the same time. These e-mail groups will not be used for any other
- If there is any doubt about the validity of any given deadline, the deadline is normally
two days after the date at the bottom of the game page, or as soon as possible. Note
that a deadline is the latest date that
orders should be sent, not the target date.

- Players should submit orders by e-mail as soon as possible after notification.
- Orders should be sent as plain text, no
HTML, no attachments, no embedded graphics, nothing that isn't required for your orders.
- Orders should use the game type and game number for the subject line of the e-mail, for
example, Puerto Rico e300.
- If you are sending advance orders, say so in the subject line. for example, Puerto Rico e300 - Advance orders.
- If my messages to you get marked as spam (e.g. [SPAM]), please remove this from the
subject line when you reply.
- Players should send a separate e-mail for each game.
- Please do not include other messages, such as information about absences, with game
orders. Send these as separate messages.
- If a player sends advance orders, please say that they are advance orders in the subject
line so that I cannot mistake them for the next player's orders.
- If a player fails to submit orders within two days of being notified, they may find that
a move has been made on their behalf.
- If illegal orders are submitted, the player will normally be contacted and advised of
the problem.
- If you have to resend orders, or make amendments, please resend the complete order
rather than just the change, and put something like *AMENDED* at the end of the subject
line. This helps me to avoid missing things when combining orders spread across two or
more messages.

of absence and advance orders
- If a player expects to be out of touch for more than a few days, they should inform me
in advance so that time out can be allowed. Please give me dates
so that I know exactly when you will be back.
- If a game needs to be put on hold because someone is away, a special icon
will be placed next to the game number on
the main FWTWR page.
- Please send these messages as separate
e-mails so that they get the attention they deserve, and include FWTWR
in the subject line.
- Players may nominate substitutes to cover their absence. This is particularly desirable
if the absence is going to be more than two weeks. If this involves a game that has
private information, it is the player's responsibility to make sure that the substitute
knows the necessary username/password to access it. I can be asked to act as your
- Players can provide orders in advance if they know what they want to do, or to cover
periods of absence. These can be conditional on what happens before their turn.
Please add 'Advance orders' to the end of the subject line for these, so that I know they
are not to be used immediately.
- Changing your mind or submitting corrections to orders is no problem as long as I
haven't run your turn. Always resend the entire order for these, rather than correction to
part of an order.
- I reserve the right to make moves on behalf of a player who has not replied to game
prompts, to avoid excessive disruption for the other players. This is most likely to be
- When I have no notification of leave
- When I have no indication of when a player will be available again
- When a game is running slowly due to repeated delays
- If I am unable to get a response from a player

- There may be times when I cannot get a response from a player. This could be due to
problems with the mail system, or a mailbox that has reached its quota and cannot accept
any more mail, both of which are outside my control. If this happens, I will place a
message on the relevant player's page, so it is always
worth checking there if you don't hear from me.

- Any appeal over an adjudication must be lodged as soon as possible. Unfortunately,
mistakes can happen. I will listen to appeals and aim to resolve them for the benefit of
the game. Errors that are not noticed for some time are unlikely to be corrected. My
decision will be final.
- I keep all orders while a game is running, so in the event of a query there is no need
to send me a copy of the orders. There is never a need to send me an attachment to support
your views - in fact, please do not send me
any messages with links to web pages, graphics, etc.
- Appeals will not normally be accepted because you tell me you made a mistake. If your
mistake produced a legal order that has been processed and published, then it will
generally stand.

- I reserve the right to limit the number of games that people play in. This allows people
to play against a variety of opponents rather than the same people all the time. This also
limits the damage should someone be unable to continue with their games.
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© Keith Thomasson October 16th 2018 |