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| 18ARG Stock Market | 18ARG Tile Upgrade Chart |

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Designer Gary Mroczka
Publisher Gary Mroczka
Published 2023
Setting Argentina
Players 2 to 6

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Components Qty Notes
+1 Train token 1 Wooden token
+$10 Port tokens 2 Wooden tokens
Commodity cards 21 -
Commodity tokens 42 Wooden tokens
Loan markers 72 $50 loans - 20 x 1, 20 x 2, 4 x 3, 4 x 4
$200 loans - 12 x 1, 12 x 2
Map board with stock markets and revenue chart 1 Foam-core mounted 3-piece
Mini map board 1 -
Minor company certificates 16 -
Minor company charters 16 -
Money - $12,000 required for the game
Player order tokens 6 -
Port marker cubes 7 Wooden cubes
Priority deal marker 1 A wooden train
Private company certificates 9 -
Public company certificates 124 12 set of nine, 4 sets of four
Public company charters 16 -
Reference map 2 -
Revenue chart markers 16 -
Round marker 1 Wooden token
Rule book 1 -
Station tokens 63 -
Stock market markers 16 -
Tiles 217 102 yellow, 65 green, 41 brown, 9 grey
Train cards 62 -

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Private Companies # Full Name Minimum Bid Face Value Revenue Notes
AATC 1A Anglo-Argentine Tramways Company $20 $30 $5 -
ELMA 2A Empresa Lineas Maritimas Argentinas $40 $60 $10 Comes with a $10 Port token
NCBB 2F Neuquén-Cipolletti Bridge Builders $40 $60 $10 Comes with $40 credit for building over rivers
MRLP 3A Molinos Rio de la Plata S.A. $50 $75 $10 Free tile lay on Wheat or Corn commodity hex
LPCSC 3F La Plata Cold Storage Company $50 $75 $10 May place 1 unused commodity on the map
AR 4A Argentina Railbuilders $60 $90 $10 May pay for bonus yellow tile lays or green upgrades
BSB 4B British Station Builders $60 $90 $10 Receives a bonus payment each operating turn
DSCC 5B Dominion Steel & Coal Company $80 $120 $15 Comes with the +1 Train token
RSLC 6B Robert Stevenson Locomotive Co. $100 $150 $20 Comes with $75 credit towards a train purchase

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Minor Companies # Full Name Presidency Home Hex Station Tokens Notes
FA 1 Ferrocarril Andino 50% Owner's choice 1 -
FT 2 Ferrocarril Trasandino 50% Owner's choice 1 -
FNBA 3 Ferrocarril del Norte de Buenos Aires 50% Owner's choice 1 -
FOS 4 Ferrocarril Oeste Santafesino 50% Owner's choice 1 -
FCDC 5 Ferrocarril Central del Chubut 50% Owner's choice 1 -
FRPB 6 Ferrocarril Rosario y Puerto Belgrano 50% Owner's choice 1 -
FBBN 7 Ferrocarril Bahía Blanca al Noroeste 50% Owner's choice 1 -
CGBA 8 Compañía General de Ferrocarriles en la Provincia de Buenos Aires 50% Owner's choice 1 -
FP 9 Ferrocarriles Paragónicos 50% Owner's choice 1 -
FCN 10 Ferrocarril Central Norte 50% Owner's choice 1 -
FNA 11 Ferrocarril Nordeste Argentino 50% Owner's choice 1 -
FER 12 Ferrocarril Entre Ríos 50% Owner's choice 1 -
FEC 13 Ferrocarril Económico Correntino 50% Owner's choice 1 -
FCC 14 Ferrocarril Central Córdoba 50% Owner's choice 1 -
FMBA 15 Ferrocarril Midland de Buenos Aires 50% Owner's choice 1 -
FPSF 16 Ferrocarril Provincial de Santa Fe 50% Owner's choice 1 -

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Public Companies Full Name Presidency Other Certificates Home Hex Station Tokens Notes
FBAP Ferrocarril Buenos Aires al Pacifico 40% 3 x 20% Buenos Aires
2 Big 4
FCA Ferrocarril Beunos Aires al Pacifico 40% 3 x 20% Buenos Aires
2 Big 4
FCO Ferrocarril Oeste de Buenos Aires 40% 3 x 20% Buenos Aires
2 Big 4
FS Ferrocarril del Sud 40% 3 x 20% Buenos Aires
2 Big 4
BAP Buenos Aires Al Pacifico San Martin SA 20% 8 x 10% Owner's
4 Available for formation from phase 4
FCPBA Ferrocarril de Antofagasta a Bolivia 20% 8 x 10% Owner's
4 Available for formation from phase 4
FP Ferroexpreso Pampeano SA 20% 8 x 10% Owner's
4 Available for formation from phase 4
FR Ferrosur Roca SA 20% 8 x 10% Owner's
4 Available for formation from phase 4
NCA Nuevo Central Argentina 20% 8 x 10% Owner's
4 Available for formation from phase 4
FE Ferrocarriles del Estado 20% 8 x 10% Inherited 5+5 Nationalised from minors 9 and 10
B Ferrocarril General Manuel Belgrano 20% 8 x 10% Inherited 5 Reorganised from minors 14, 15 and 16
D Ferrocarril Domingo Fuastino Sarmiento 20% 8 x 10% Inherited 5 Reorganised from the FCO and minors 7 and 8
M Ferrocarril General Bartolome Mitre 20% 8 x 10% Inherited 5 Reorganised from the FCA and minors 3 and 4
R Ferrocarril General Roca 20% 8 x 10% Inherited 5 Reorganised from the FS and minors 5 and 6
S Ferrocarril General San Martin 20% 8 x 10% Inherited 5 Reorganised from the FBAP and minors 1 and 2
U Ferrocarril General Urquiza 20% 8 x 10% Inherited 5 Reorganised from minors 11, 12 and 13

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Starting Cash
2-player $900
3-player $600
4-player $450
5-player $360
6-player $300
Certificate Limits Major Companies Formed
6 7 8 9 10 11
2-player 15 16 17 19 20 21
3-player 14 15 16 18 19 20
4-player 12 13 14 16 17 18
5-player 11 12 13 15 16 17
6-player 9 10 11 13 14 15

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Stock Market
Type 2D
Zones Starting value spaces for public companies
Yellow (ignore for certificate limit)
Black (companies that enter this space are closed)
'Closed' space Yes
View it here: 18ARG Stock Market

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Game Map Clear Hexes 1 Town

2 Towns

Cities 'OO' Off-Board Areas Fixed Rivers Mountains
Hexes: 113 60 19 2 21 3 8 - 18 45
The total count of individual items will usually exceed the total number of hexes shown. This will be due to hexes that contain multiple items, such as towns and cities in off-board areas and fixed locations.
Clear Where tiles with plain track may be laid. May include hexes with pre-printed track.
1 Town Where tiles with a single town (no station token space) may be laid.
2 Towns Where tiles with two towns (no station token spaces) may be laid.
Cities Where tiles with station token spaces may be laid, or where stations printed on the board may be upgraded. Does not include 'OO' hexes.
'OO' Yellow hexes where green tiles designated as 'OO' tiles with two separate station token spaces may be laid.
Off-Board Static, where trains may run to off-board areas, typically with values that vary according to the phase of the game.
Usually includes fixed locations that have variable income.
No tile lays allowed.
An off-board area may consist of more than one hex - each area is usually counted only once for each train.
Fixed Static, usually with track or fixed value stations printed on the map.
No tile lays allowed.
Rivers and
Hexes that contain these features with a cost to place or upgrade tiles. Other features appear occasionally (Desert, Forest, Swamp).

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Yellow Tiles Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 55
Total: 102 Tiles Tile 1 Tile 2 Tile 3 Tile 4 Tile 5 Tile 6 Tile 7 Tile 8 Tile 9 Tile 55
Qty 1 1 5 6 4 6 18 18 18 1
Number 56 57 58 64 65 66 67 68 69 169
Tiles Tile 56 Tile 57 Tile 58 Tile 64 Tile 65 Tile 66 Tile 67 Tile 68 Tile 69 Tile 169
Qty 1 4 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Number 210 221 332 332A 360 719  
Tiles Tile 210 Tile 221 Tile 332 Tile 332A Tile 360 Tile 719
Qty 1 1 1 1 1 1
Green Tiles Number 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 25
Total: 65 Tiles Tile 14 Tile 15 Tile 16 Tile 17 Tile 18 Tile 19 Tile 20 Tile 23 Tile 24 Tile 25
Qty 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 3
Number 26 27 28 29 141 142 143 144 164 165
Tiles Tile 26 Tile 27 Tile 28 Tile 29 Tile 141 Tile 142 Tile 143 Tile 144 Tile 164 Tile 165
Qty 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 3 1 1
Number 166 167 168 170 209 211 333 350 361 480
Tiles Tile 166 Tile 167 Tile 168 Tile 170 Tile 209 Tile 211 Tile 333 Tile 350 Tile 361 Tile 480
Qty 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Number 619 944  
Tiles Tile 619 Tile 944
Qty 4 1
Brown Tiles Number 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 63
Total: 41 Tiles Tile 39 Tile 40 Tile 41 Tile 42 Tile 43 Tile 44 Tile 45 Tile 46 Tile 47 Tile 63
Qty 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 5
Number 70 125 145 146 147 191 212 341A 351 362
Tiles Tile 70 Tile 125 Tile 145 Tile 146 Tile 147 Tile 191 Tile 212d Tile 341A Tile 351 Tile 362
Qty 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1
Number 481 636 636A  
Tiles Tile 481 Tile 636 Tile 636
Qty 1 2 1
Grey Tiles Number 171 342A 352 363 433 794 894
Total: 9 Tiles Tile 171 Tile 342 Tile 352 Tile 363 Tile 433 Tile 794 Tile 894
Qty 2 1 1 1 1 1 2

You may find more information about these tiles by visiting the 18xx Tiles Database.

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Trains Type 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 5+ 3E 4E 6E
Total: 62 Cost $80 $180 $300 $450 $350 $650 $850 $1,100
Qty 20 11 6 3 1 4 3 14

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