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18NewEngland 2 Companies Pack Inventory

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18NewEngland 2 Companies Pack
Designer Scott Petersen
Publisher All-Aboard Games
Published 2024
Setting New England
Players 2 to 4

An expansion pack intended to be played with 18NewEngland 2.

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Components Qty Notes
Minor company charters 15 -
Par value markers 3 -
Public company certificates 27 3 sets of nine
Public company charters 3 -
Revenue track markers 18 -
Spare tokens 4 One for each public company and one white one
Station tokens 24 -
Sticker sheet 1 42 stickers
Stock market markers 3 -

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Minor Companies Full Name Presidency Home Hex Station Tokens Notes
AK Androscoggin and Kennebee Railroad 50% Brunswick
1 -
BCM Boston, Concord & Montreal Railroad 50% Bristol
1 -
BR Bennington & Rutland Railroad 50% Bennington
1 -
CC Concord and Claremont Railroad 50% Concord
1 -
CP Connectivut and Passumpsic Rivers 50% St. Johnsbury
1 -
K&P Kennebec & Portland Railroad 50% Augusta
1 -
MC Maine Central Railroad Company 50% Bangor
1 -
ML Manchester and Lawrence Railroad 50% Manchester
1 -
PC Portsmouth and Concord Railway 50% Portsmouth
1 -
P&R Portland & Rochester Railroad 50% Portland
1 -
PSP Portland, Saco and Portsmouth 50% Dover
1 -
RB Rutland & Burlington Railroad 50% Burlington
1 -
RW Rutland and Washington Railroad 50% Rutland
1 -
VC Vermont Central Railroad 50% Montpelier
1 -
VV Vermont Valley Railroad 50% Brattleboro
1 -

Home hex locations are from the 18NewEngland 2 map.

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Public Companies Full Name Presidency Other Certificates Home Hex Station Tokens Notes
B&A Bangor and Aroostook Railroad 20% 8 x 10% - 3 -
MC Maine Central Railroad Company 20% 8 x 10% - 3 -
RR Rutland Railroad 20% 8 x 10% - 3 -

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The total count of individual items will usually exceed the total number of hexes shown. This will be due to hexes that contain multiple items, such as towns and cities in off-board areas and fixed locations.
Clear Where tiles with plain track may be laid. May include hexes with pre-printed track.
1 Town Where tiles with a single town (no station token space) may be laid.
2 Towns Where tiles with two towns (no station token spaces) may be laid.
Cities Where tiles with station token spaces may be laid, or where stations printed on the board may be upgraded. Does not include 'OO' hexes.
'OO' Yellow hexes where green tiles designated as 'OO' tiles with two separate station token spaces may be laid.
Off-Board Static, where trains may run to off-board areas, typically with values that vary according to the phase of the game.
Usually includes fixed locations that have variable income.
No tile lays allowed.
An off-board area may consist of more than one hex - each area is usually counted only once for each train.
Fixed Static, usually with track or fixed value stations printed on the map.
No tile lays allowed.
Rivers and
Hexes that contain these features with a cost to place or upgrade tiles. Other features appear occasionally (Desert, Forest, Swamp).

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