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11.3 - After a sale of shares forces a change in Director, who gets it in case of a tie?

1829 Whoever has held the most stock for longest.
1829 Mainline, 1893, Steam Over Holland Not stated. For convenience of play, treat as stated under 'Rest'.
1830 Cardgame Not applicable. Shares may not be sold at any time.
1841 Next qualifying human shareholder on seller's left, then companies in order of share value, highest first.
1842 It is offered to the tying players in turn, starting on the seller's left. If the others all refuse, the last one round must accept.
1844, 1873, Rolling Stock Next qualifying player in SR order.
1853, 1853 v2 Whoever has held at least one share in that company for longest.
1869 USA West Nobody, the certificate goes into the bank pool until one of the tied players (or another player) holds the most shares in the company.
1898 If a player sells shares: as 1841. If a corporation sells shares: players in seating order, starting with the priority deal, then companies in order of share value, highest first.
18EZ Level 1 Not Applicable (no share dealing).
18Lilliput Not applicable, because Directorships can never change hands.
Crisis The last qualifying player (not in receivership) in round order.
Poseidon Next qualifying player on seller's left, although they may decline the option to take control of the nation.
Rest Next qualifying player on seller's left.

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