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1860 e1118 - Stock Round 1

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Jim Knight John Boocock Ken Boucher
First auction - Bids £5 Bids £10 Bids £20
Bids £25 Bids £30 Bids £40
Bids £45 Bids £55 Bids £60
Bids £65 Bids £70 Bids £75
Pass Bids £80 Bids £85
Pass Bids £90 Pass
Pass Takes the CM&H for a total of £180 Second auction - Bids £50
Bids £55 Bids £60 Bids £65
Bids £70 Pass Bids £75
Bids £80 Pass Bids £85
Pass Pass Takes the RP&SC for a total of £215
Third auction - Bids £5 Bids £20 Bids £25
Bids £30 Bids £40 Bids £45
Bids £50 Bids £55 Pass
Bids £60 Pass Pass
Takes the YHC for a total of £110 Fourth auction - Bids £15 Bids £20
Bids £25 Bids £30 Bids £35
Bids £40 Pass Bids £40
Bids £50 Pass Pass
Takes the BHC for a total of £80 Fifth acution - Bids £30 Bids £35
Bids £40 Bids £45 Pass
Bids £50 Pass Pass
Takes the C&N Directorship, sets par at £74, for a total of £198 Sixth auction - Bids £35 Pass
Pass Takes the IOW Directorship, sets par at £74, for a total of £183 Buys IOW new
Buys C&N new Buys IOW new Buys IOW new
Buys C&N new Buys IOW new Buys IOW new
Buys C&N new, tile 787:F2:1 laid Buys IOW new Buys IOW new
Pass Buys C&N new Buys C&N new
Pass Pass Buys C&N new
Pass  Pass Pass
End of Round
Priority for stock round 2 is with Jim

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Mail me © Keith Thomasson February 7th 2016