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Complete {147} |
Winners {34} |

18xx games simulate the development of railway companies from their formation onwards.
Players buy shares in the companies and the largest shareholder operates each company.
While great fun can be had in getting the best performance from your company, you should
never lose sight of the fact that the aim of the game is to own the highest value in
shares and cash at the end of the game. Games usually end when the bank runs out of cash,
but some may end earlier if a player goes bankrupt. The exact conditions for the end of
the game depend on the 18xx variant being played.
The following 18xx games are on offer:
You will need to know the rules of these games in order to play. If you need a
reference, click the above links. You may find the 18xx Rules Difference List useful as
a further reference.
Because the 18xx games take more time to adjudicate, the number of active games is
likely to be limited. Players can make things easier by providing complete orders rather
than outline orders.

Playing via the Web
As with all games, rules are required. Please read the rules
of engagement that cover For Whom The Web Rocks
games. The following additional rules apply to these 18xx games.
- 18xx games require varying numbers of players, usually three to five.
- Please use a subject of 18xx exxx or 1830 exxx when sending orders (replace the 'xxx'
with the game number, e.g. 1830 e999).
- The game pages will show the current situation in the game. The history of the game will
also be available.
- On the 18xx maps, company tokens shown in red letters indicate where the home base for that
company is located. Black letters indicate that the token is actually present on the map.
- During stock rounds, each player will be prompted in turn for their next action. They
only need to provide their purchases and/or sales for the next stock turn, but have the
option of providing orders for more stock turns if they so wish. For example, if they know
they will pass for the rest of the round, letting me know will avoid the need for further
prompts and will speed up the game.
- When specifying the shares to buy, please say whether you are buying new shares or buying
shares from the pool. To say you are buying the from the bank is ambiguous, especially as
some people use bank to indicate new, others use bank to indicate the pool.
- During operating rounds, each company president will be prompted in turn for company
orders. Company orders should include all aspects of the company's turn, including laying
tiles, placing tokens, running trains, handling of dividends, train purchases, and any
other relevant actions. These actions should be explained in full in the orders. It is not
acceptable, for instance, to say "run trains and pay dividends", especially in
the later stages of the game.
- When specifying routes for your trains, please use hex references, not station names. I
will not always know which hex is which station, which makes this something of a problem.
To view all hex references, click the map. Click again to return to the current state of play.
- Moves made for players by the referee will normally involve passing during a stock round
(unless forced to sell stock), and running trains to pay a dividend during an operating
round (i.e. no tile lays, no tokens, no train deals unless forced).

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© Keith Thomasson October 16th 2018 |