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Railways of the Lost Atlas Inventory

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| Railways of the Lost Atlas Stock Market | Railways of the Lost Atlas Tile Upgrade Chart |

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Railways of the Lost Atlas
Designer Jacob Schacht
Kevin Delger
Publisher Asterisk Games
Published 2024
Setting Fictional
Players Micro game: 2 to 3
Short game: 2 to 4
Long game: 3 to 5

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Components Qty Notes
Company/tile reference sheet 1 -
Distant destination revenue cards 4 -
Express token 1 Wooden - used by the Express minor company
Introductory maps sheet 1 -
Micro game map sheet 1 -
Money cards 285 24,500 in total
Priority player marker 1 -
Map tiles 51 33 tri-hex tiles, 3 capital city project tiles, 3 capital city overlay tiles, 12 extra double-sided overlay tiles
Minor company certificates 36 9 sets of four
Minor company charters 12 -
Phase/rust reminder cards 3 Double-sided
Player aid cards 10 5 turn summary/phase chart, 3 set up cards, 1 company reference, 1 headquarters/hostile mergers card
Public company certificates 54 6 sets of nine
Public company charters 6 -
Revenue track 1 Mounted
Revenue track markers 18 Wooden
Round/cycle tracker board 1 Mounted
Round/cycle tracker markers 1 -
Rule book 1 -
Station tokens 37 -
Stock market 1 Mounted
Stock market markers 18 Wooden
Suburbs tokens 2 Wooden - used by the Suburban minor company
Thank you card 1 -
Tiles 135 55 yellow, 43 green, 27 brown, 5 grey, 5 blue
The games uses purple instead of brown, but I have used the traditional colours here
Train cards 29 -

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Minor Companies Full Name Presidency Other Certificates Home Hex Station Tokens Notes
AD Adaptive 40% 3 x 20% Owner's choice 1 -
AG Agricultural 40% 3 x 20% On tri-hex tile 3 1 May lay an additional yellow tile after upgrading a tile
BR Bridging 40% 3 x 20% On tri-hex tile 9 1 May lay a bridge tile (blue) instead of yellow track
EM Eastern Mining 40% 3 x 20% On tri-hex tile 2 1 -
EA Expansive 40% 3 x 20% On tri-hex tile 1 2 -
ER Express 40% 3 x 20% On tri-hex tile 5 1 Boosts a train by one stop as long as it only owns one train
NP Northern Port 40% 3 x 20% On tri-hex tile 7 1 -
OV Overnight 40% 3 x 20% On tri-hex tile 10 1 May skip blocked cities
RE Resourceful 40% 3 x 20% On tri-hex tile 4 1 May run rusted trains once before destroying them
SP Spacious 40% 3 x 20% On tri-hex tile 11 1 Train limit +1
SU Suburban 40% 3 x 20% On tri-hex tile 6 1 Comes with 2 Suburbs tokens
TU Tunneling 40% 3 x 20% On tri-hex tile 8 1 Gains 60 each time this company pays a mountain terrain cost

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Public Companies Full Name Presidency Other Certificates Home Hex Station Tokens Notes
Con Conglomerate 20% 8 x 10% Inherited 4 -
Exp Experiment 20% 8 x 10% Inherited 4 -
Fed Federation 20% 8 x 10% Inherited 4 -
Int International 20% 8 x 10% Inherited 4 -
Syn Syndicate 20% 8 x 10% Inherited 4 -
Unl Unlimited 20% 8 x 10% Inherited 4 -

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Starting Cash
2-player 450
3-player 300
4-player 275
5-player $220
Certificate Limits
2-player Unlimited
3-player Unlimited
4-player Unlimited
5-player Unlimited

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Stock Market
Type Linear
Zones Starting value spaces for minor companies from the yellow phase on
Starting value spaces for minor companies from the green phase on
Starting value spaces for minor companies from the brown phase on
'Closed' space Yes
View it here: Railways of the Lost Atlas Stock Market

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There is no preset map. The map is built from tri-hex tiles and optional single hex tiles.

Game Map Clear Hexes 1 Town

2 Towns

Cities 'OO' Off-Board Areas Fixed Water Mountains
Hexes: 105 57 - - 32 - 4 2 13 14
The total count of individual items will usually exceed the total number of hexes shown. This will be due to hexes that contain multiple items, such as towns and cities in off-board areas and fixed locations.
Clear Where tiles with plain track may be laid. May include hexes with pre-printed track.
1 Town Where tiles with a single town (no station token space) may be laid.
2 Towns Where tiles with two towns (no station token spaces) may be laid.
Cities Where tiles with station token spaces may be laid, or where stations printed on the board may be upgraded. Does not include 'OO' hexes.
'OO' Yellow hexes where green tiles designated as 'OO' tiles with two separate station token spaces may be laid.
Off-Board Static, where trains may run to off-board areas, typically with values that vary according to the phase of the game.
Usually includes fixed locations that have variable income.
No tile lays allowed.
An off-board area may consist of more than one hex - each area is usually counted only once for each train.
Fixed Static, usually with track or fixed value stations printed on the map.
No tile lays allowed.
Rivers and
Hexes that contain these features with a cost to place or upgrade tiles. Other features appear occasionally (Desert, Forest, Swamp).

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The tiles in this game bear no numbers. The following numbers and identifiers have been assigned based on matching the tiles to existing numbered tiles where possible.

Yellow Tiles Number 5 6 7 8 9 57 291 292 293
Total: 55 Tiles Tile 5 Tile 6 Tile 7 Tile 8 Tile 9 Tile 57 Tile 291 Tile 292 Tile 293
Qty 5 7 6 14 13 7 1 1 1
Green Tiles Number 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24
Total: 43 Tiles Tile 14 Tile 15 Tile 16 Tile 17 Tile 19 Tile 20 Tile 21 Tile 22 Tile 23 Tile 24
Qty 4 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4
Number 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 294 295 296
Tiles Tile 25 Tile 26 Tile 27 Tile 28 Tile 29 Tile 30 Tile 31 Tile 294 Tile 295 Tile 296
Qty 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1
Number 619 624 LA1 LA2  
Tiles Tile 619 Tile 624 Tile LA1 Tile LA2
Qty 4 1 1 1
Brown Tiles Number 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 70
Total: 27 Tiles Tile 39 Tile 40 Tile 41 Tile 42 Tile 43 Tile 44 Tile 45 Tile 46 Tile 47 Tile 70
Qty 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1
Number 125 297 LA3 LA4 LA5 The game uses purple instead of brown for these tiles
Tiles Tile 125 Tile 297 Tile LA3 Tile LA4 Tile LA5
Qty 6 2 1 1 1
Grey Tiles Number 51 LA6 LA7
Total: 5 Tiles Tile 51 Tile LA6 Tile LA7
Qty 3 1 1
Blue Tiles Number 721 722 723
Total: 5 Tiles Tile 721 Tile 722 Tile 723
Qty 2 2 1

You may find more information about these tiles by visiting the 18xx Tiles Database.

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Trains Type 2 3 4 5 6 7/D
Total: 29 Cost 100 200 300 450 550 750/1,000
Qty 7 5+1 4 3 2 7

The total of 5+1 for the 3-train is because the extra one is only used in the 5-player game.
A 4-, 5- or 6-train may be traded to the bank pool to buy a D-train for 800.
The game uses the infinity symbol for the train on the back of the 7-trains.

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Mail me © Keith Thomasson July 26th 2024