Current {-} |
Complete {44} |
Winners {23} |

A game of Ra spans three epochs, which reflect the history of ancient Egypt.
During these epochs, the players acquire tiles representing various aspects of
Egyptian life. They acquire the tiles in auctions, bidding with suns, tokens they
receive from Ra. The selection of tiles in the auctions is ever changing, but tokens
from Ra are limited. Wise players choose carefully when and what to bid to get the
tiles they want. When an epoch ends, players receive points for the fame they have
earned. The player with the most fame after three epochs is the winner.
Ra was designed by Reiner Knizia and is published by alea (German edition) and Rio Grande Games (English
Ra is © 1999 Ravensburger Spieleverlag / Rio Grande Games.
You will need to know the rules of the game in order to play. If you need a
reference, click here to view the rules.

Playing via the Web
As with all games, rules are required. Please read the rules
of engagement that cover For Whom The Web Rocks
games. The following additional rules apply to these Ra games. Be warned
- most of the web games last two to three months, but Ra games take up to a year...
- Ra games require three to five players.
- Please use a subject of Ra exxx when
sending orders (replace the 'xxx' with the game number, e.g. Ra
- Suns will be displayed in braces to show that they are face down. For example, if
you started the game with suns 2 - 7 - 16 and gained the '1' sun in place of the '2', your
suns would be listed as {1} - 7 - 16.
- If a player plays one or more God tiles in their turn, they should specify which tile or
tiles from the Auction Track they are taking.
- If a player invokes Ra! they should provide their bid details at the same time.
Failure to do so will be taken as 'bid the minimum needed to win'.
- When an auction begins, players will be contacted for their bids. To save time, all
players will be contacted at the same time via a group e-mail. This e-mail group will only
be used for messages about the game. Auction bids may be made conditional on bids made by
players ahead of you in the auction sequence. These messages should be responded to as
soon as possible, without waiting to see what others may have done. Conditional orders can
be provided, based on bids before your own.
- To speed up play:
- After an auction, I will draw a tile automatically for the next player unless they
advise me otherwise with their bid details.
- If everyone passes during an auction, and the next tile out is a Ra tile, I will assume
that everybody also passes in this auction.
- If the next tile due out at any time is a Ra tile, I will draw this for the next player unless
(a) they have a God tile in hand and there is at least one tile on the auction track, or
(b) drawing this tile would end the current Epoch.
- Moves made for players by the referee will normally involve drawing a tile. If the
referee needs to act for a player during an auction, the player will pass unless the
situation requires them to bid, in which case they will bid their lowest available sun.

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© Keith Thomasson September 2nd 2017 |