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Colony Card Summary

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The costs and information in this table are based on the Expert Game Rules.

# Colony Cards Cost VPs Notes
1 Data Library 15 1 Credit of 10 for Scientists, 10 for Laboratory
2 Warehouse 25 1 Increases production card hand capacity by 5
3 Heavy Equipment 30 1

Credit of 5 for Warehouse, 5 for Nodule, 15 for Outpost
Allows Titanium factories to be built

4 Nodule 25 2 Increases population maximum by 3
5 Scientists 40 2 Acts as a Research factory - does not need to be manned
6 Orbital Lab 50 3 Acts as a Microbiotics factory - does not need to be manned
7 Robots 50 3

Allows Robots to be purchased
Comes with a bonus Robot at no cost

8 Laboratory 80 5

Allows Research factories to be built
Comes with a bonus Research factory which needs to be manned

9 Ecoplants 30 5 Credit of 10 for Outpost - Reduces the cost of population units to 5
10 Outpost 100 5

Increases population maximum by 5 and production card hand capacity by 5
Comes with a bonus Titanium factory which needs to be manned

11 Space Station 120 10

Acts as an Orbital Medicine factory which needs to be manned
If manned by population, does not count towards population maximum

12 Planetary Cruiser 160 15

Acts as an Ring Ore factory which needs to be manned
If manned by population, does not count towards population maximum

13 Moon Base 200 20

Acts as an Moon Ore factory which needs to be manned
If manned by population, does not count towards population maximum

Cost: The minimum cost for a card, i.e. the starting point for an auction

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Mail me © Keith Thomasson March 31st 2002