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18SJ Inventory

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| 18SJ Stock Market | 18SJ Tile Upgrade Chart |

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Designer Örjan Wennman
Publisher All-Aboard Games
Published 2024
Setting Sweden
Players 2 to 6

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Components Qty Notes
Certificate display card 1 Double-sided, for the standard game and the Oscarian Era variant
Första Tjing card 1 -
Göta Kanal tokens 3 -
KHJ exchange tokens 6 -
Mainline hex cubes 20 -
Map board with revenue track and stock market 1 Mounted 4-panel fold-out
Mine tokens 2 -
Minor company charters 1 -
Money - 10,000kr is required for the game
Oscarian Era variant tokens 11 -
Player order cards 6 -
Port token 1 -
Priority deal marker 1 Wooden Elk (or Moose if you're in North America)
Private company certificates 10 -
Public company certificates 99 11 sets of nine
Public company charters 11 -
Revenue track markers 11  
Round marker 1 -
Rule book 1 -
SJ tokens 12 Tokens for the SJ, used when a company is nationallised
Spare tokens 13 1 for each public company, 1 SJ token, 1 mainline hex cube
Station tokens 34 -
Sticker sheet 1 91 stickers
Stock market markers 11 -
Tiles 105 44 yellow, 37 green, 22 brown, 2 grey
Train cards 31 -

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Private Companies # Full Name Face Value Revenue Notes
F 1 Frykstadtsbana 20kr 5kr Blocks hex B15
NOJ 2 Nässjö-Oskarshamns Järnväg 20kr 5kr Blocks hex D23
GK 3 Göta Kanalbolag 40kr 15kr Comes with 3 Göta Kanal tokens
S 4 Sveabolaget 45kr 15kr Comes with the Port token
TGC 5 The Gellivare Company 70kr 15kr Blocks hexes E4 and F5
MV 6 Motala Verkstad 90kr 20kr -
NoH 7 Nydqvist och Holm AB 90kr 20kr -
KHJ 8 Köping-Hults Järnväg 140kr - Receives the KHJ minor company, a 2-train and a token
NE 9 Nils Ericson 220kr 25kr Comes with the Directorship of a random company if P10 is not in play
AEvR 10 Adolf Eugene von Rosen 220kr 30kr Comes with the Directorship of the ÖKJ

One random private from each of the pairs P1/P2, P3/P4, P6/P7 and P9/P10 is removed from the game at the start.

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Minor Company Full Name Home Hex Station Tokens Notes
KHJ Köping-Hults Järnväg Köping
1 -

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Public Companies Full Name Presidency Other Certificates Home Hex Station Tokens Notes
BJ Bergslagernas Järnvägar AB 20% 8 x 10% Göteborg
3 -
KFJ Kil-Frykadalens Järnväg 20% 8 x 10% Karlstad
3 -
MÖJ Mellersta Östergötlands Järnvägar 20% 8 x 10% Norrköping
2 -
MYJ Malmö0Ystads Järnväg 20% 8 x 10% Malmö
3 -
ÖKJ Orebro-Köpings Järnvägsaktiebolag 20% 8 x 10% Skövde
2 -
ÖSJ Östra Skånes Järnvägsaktiebolag 20% 8 x 10% Ystad
3 -
SNJ Swedish-Norwegian Railroad 20% 8 x 10% Luleå
4 -
STJ Sundsvall-Torphammars Järnväg 20% 8 x 10% Sundsvall
4 -
SWB Stockholm-Västerås-Bergslagens 20% 8 x 10% Stockholm
2 -
TGOJ Trafikaktiebolaget Grängesberg-Oxelösunds 20% 8 x 10% Bergslagen
4 -
UGJ Uppsala-Gävle Järnväg 20% 8 x 10% Uppsala
3 -

One random company from the MYJ, ÖSJ, STJ and TGOJ is removed from the game at the start.

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Starting Cash
2-player 800kr
3-player 800kr
4-player 600kr
5-player 480kr
6-player 400kr
Certificate Limits


0 1 2 3
2-player 26 23 20 17
3-player 26 23 20 17
4-player 20 18 15 13
5-player 16 14 12 11
6-player 13 12 10 9

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Stock Market
Type 2D
Zones Starting value spaces for public companies
Yellow (ignore for certificate limit)
Orange (as yellow, plus may hold more than 60% of a public company)
Brown (as orange, plus may buy multiple shares from the bank pool/treasury/initial offering in one stock turn)
Colours also denote share redemption options and costs
'Closed' space No
View it here: 18SJ Stock Market

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Game Map Clear Hexes 1 Town

2 Towns

Cities 'OO' Off-Board Areas Fixed Mountains Hex Edge Costs
Hexes: 81 52 - - 25 - 5 8 11 1
The total count of individual items will usually exceed the total number of hexes shown. This will be due to hexes that contain multiple items, such as towns and cities in off-board areas and fixed locations.
Clear Where tiles with plain track may be laid. May include hexes with pre-printed track.
1 Town Where tiles with a single town (no station token space) may be laid.
2 Towns Where tiles with two towns (no station token spaces) may be laid.
Cities Where tiles with station token spaces may be laid, or where stations printed on the board may be upgraded. Does not include 'OO' hexes.
'OO' Yellow hexes where green tiles designated as 'OO' tiles with two separate station token spaces may be laid.
Off-Board Static, where trains may run to off-board areas, typically with values that vary according to the phase of the game.
Usually includes fixed locations that have variable income.
No tile lays allowed.
An off-board area may consist of more than one hex - each area is usually counted only once for each train.
Fixed Static, usually with track or fixed value stations printed on the map.
No tile lays allowed.
Rivers and
Hexes that contain these features with a cost to place or upgrade tiles. Other features appear occasionally (Desert, Forest, Swamp).

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Yellow Tiles Number 5 6 7 8 9 57
Total: 44 Tiles Tile 5 Tile 6 Tile 7 Tile 8 Tile 9 Tile 57
Qty 4 4 7 11 13 5
Green Tiles Number 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Total: 37 Tiles Tile 14 Tile 15 Tile 16 Tile 17 Tile 18 Tile 19 Tile 20 Tile 21 Tile 22 Tile 23
Qty 4 4 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 3
Number 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 619 X1
Tiles Tile 24 Tile 25 Tile 26 Tile 27 Tile 28 Tile 29 Tile 30 Tile 31 Tile 619 Tile X1
Qty 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1
Number X2  
Tiles Tile X2
Qty 1
Brown Tiles Number 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 63
Total: 22 Tiles Tile 39 Tile 40 Tile 41 Tile 42 Tile 43 Tile 44 Tile 45 Tile 46 Tile 47 Tile 63
Qty 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2
Number 70 611 X3 X4  
Tiles Tile 70 Tile 611 Tile X3 Tile X4
Qty 1 2 1 1
Brown Tiles Number X5 X6
Grey: 2 Tiles Tile X5 Tile X6
Qty 1 1

You may find more information about these tiles by visiting the 18xx Tiles Database.

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Trains Type 2 3 4 5 6 D/E
Total: 31 Cost 80kr 180kr 300kr 530kr 630kr 1,100kr/1,300kr
Qty 7 5 4 3 2 10

One 2-train is reserved for the KHJ

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