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For Whom The Web Rocks
1870 e1023 - Stock Round 3

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Jon Stoate Willem Moene Are-Harald Brenne Jan Aage Eriksen Ken Boucher
Pass Pass Pass Sells 2 MKT, price drops to 68F
Buys SLSF new
Buys MKT pool
Pass Sells 1 MKT, price protected
Buys SLSF new
- - Price protects 1 MKT
Pass Pass Buys MKT pool Buys SLSF new Pass
Pass Pass Pass Sells 1 ATSF, price drops to 64E
Buys SLSF new, gains Presidency
Pass Pass Pass Pass End of Round
Priority for stock round 5 is with Ken
MKT sold out - price rises to 72E

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Mail me © Keith Thomasson October 17th 2013